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Chips, salsa, queso, and homemade guacamole

SuperGuac Sunday

The Super Bowl, declared by the Snack Foods Association as the “biggest snacking day of the year,” is coming up this Sunday! While foods like wings and nachos have previously dominated the snack table, another food is quickly gaining popularity: guacamole.

According to the Huffington Post, in 2013 Americans were expected to consume nearly 80 million pounds of avocados. That’s the weight of 67 jumbotrons! While avocados are a very versatile food and can be used to accent a number of popular Super Bowl snack foods, the most popular way to consume the humble avocado is in guacamole. If the guacamole consumed on Super Bowl Sunday were to be spread across the football field, it would reach a depth of almost 12 feet. That’s twice the height of most of the athletes playing in the big game!

Here at Felipe’s, we want to help you throw the baddest Super Bowl party ever. We make our guacamole from scratch daily using fresh avocados, onions, lime juice, and Serrano peppers. You can easily take the stress out of hosting a party and pick up some of our fresh guacamole at any restaurant!

Guacamole isn’t your thing? We have other dips that are perfect for your celebration, like queso and salsa fresca. Like our guacamole, these two dips are made from scratch using only fresh ingredients. Yes, using ingredients that don’t come from cans can be more expensive and labor intensive, however our dedication to fresh and authentic Mexican food is what we think sets us apart. Come try any of our dips and grab some containers to take home so they can experience our rocking dips too!

-by intern Erin 




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