Celebrate Marg Day with All Day Happy Hour🍹
Dia de los Muertos at Felipe's

Experience Día de los Muertos at Felipe’s

Join the Felipe’s Family in celebrating Dia de los Muertos with strong spirits (the cocktail kind), live music, and handcrafted and colorfully decorated Day of the Dead altars.

Felipe’s unique Day of the Dead experience kicks off on Friday, November 1st, with live musical performances at Felipe’s Mid-City, Gainesville, and Fort Myers Beach locations starting at 7 pm.

The annual Mexican tradition of Dia de los Muertos relates to a time when families take time to honor and remember their deceased loved ones. No tears; only cheers – these festivities unfold as an explosion of color and life-affirming joy. In traditional settings, members of the community sample distinctive makeup and costumes, hold spirited parades and parties, sing and dance, and prepare offerings to lost loved ones.

Keeping in the spirit of the Mexican traditions, members of the Felipe’s Family have created special altars displaying handmade offerings of food, sugar skulls, decorations and photos of departed loved ones that will be on display in all Felipe’s restaurants from October 29th through November 3rd.

So, take a break from your Halloween candy coma and head on over to Felipe’s to celebrate The Day of the Dead in the most exciting and authentic way possible. #TrickOrTreatYoSelf
-Timmy Tacos




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