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Tiki Tolteca at Scales & Ales

Don’t Miss Tiki Tolteca’s Tiki Torcher!

The Audubon Aquarium of the Americas is hosting its 6th annual Scales & Ales event this Friday (the 11th) from 8 pm to 11 pm.
The event, benefiting the Aquarium’s education and conservation programs, draws large crowds to explore the aquarium at night while enjoying some of the best cuisines NOLA has to offer. Enjoy food and drinks from over 50 restaurants and bars, including Tiki Tolteca!

Tiki Tolteca will be serving their Tiki Torcher drink with a Jambu flower. What’s a Jambu flower, you might ask? Also known as an “electric daisy,” it has medicinal purposes in some parts of the world because of numbing sensation it gives when chewed. Don’t believe the Internet, or us, though… come try it for yourself. An added bonus is that Tiki will be handing out free drink tokens!

If you haven’t already purchased your ticket, we recommend you do so because this is an event you do not want to miss. If you come Friday, you’ll get to support the Aquarium’s programs, spend some quality time with the fish, and spend your night enjoying top-notch food and drinks. We’ll be there, and we hope to see you there too!




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